The ACA & You
Understanding the ACA
The ACA & You
Changes to What You Buy
Changes to How You Buy
Changes to When You Buy
Find out what you need to do and what your options are by finding your situation below:
I'm insured through work
Nothing immediately changes for you, although certain benefits, such as basic physical exams and vaccines, must be included in all health plans with no copay.
I buy my own health insurance
The Affordable Care Act has changed what type of insurance you can buy, how you can buy that insurance, and when you are allowed to buy health insurance. Our Understanding the ACA section walks you through these changes, step-by-step.
I'm on my parents' plan
Not much changes for you, until you're 26. Many states have extended dependent coverage. Check out the Table of State Laws.
I'm on my spouse's plan
Spousal coverage is currently the norm but on the decline. Check to see if your spouse's plans will change next year.
I use Medicare
You don't need to sign up for Affordable Care Act coverage. Medicare is not a part of the Health Insurance Marketplace. It's against the law for someone to sell you a Marketplace plan if they know you have Medicare.
Due to the strict rules put in place by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) they cannot directly enroll you into your Medicare Part A or Part B plans. However, we CAN assist you with enrollment into your Medicare Supplement plans, also known as Medigap.
I use Medicaid
You don't need to sign up for Affordable Care Act coverage, but you do need to keep your plan current and renew annually.
I use VA healthcare
You don't need to sign up for Affordable Care Act coverage. Health care through Veterans' Affairs satisfies the requirement for health insurance.
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Major Medical
Short-Term Medical
Critical Illness
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